Why Indoors?

As the Cannabis industry evolves from craft cultivation to one requiring product standardization and compliance, growing indoors in highly controlled environments where quality and processes can be maintained will be essential.  By growing indoors you can...

Control Environmental Conditions

There is little debate that cannabis production functions best when one can maintain very tight control over the temperature, humidity and lighting in each phase of the cultivation process. By growing indoors with PortaFab cleanroom systems, you can achieve excellent control over all of these elements and control over the photoperiods being employed.

Create Hygienic Environment Free from Parasites and Pests

Pests like spider mites, fungus gnats, thrips, white flies and aphids can easily ruin an entire crop and the  pharmaceutical industry typically has stringent requirements related to the use of pesticides.  By growing indoors and utilizing environmental control systems from PortaFab, creating an environment free from pests is much easier to attain.

Reduce Exposure to Airborne Pathogens

Some of the most common challenges in the industry relate to exposure to pathogens like Botrytis, Powdery Mildew, Fusarium and Verticillium.  By growing indoors and enclosing areas with proper air filtration, this exposure can be virtually eliminated.

Meet cGMP Standards

cGMP refers to the Current Good Manufacturing Practice regulations enforced by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). cGMPs provide for systems that assure proper design, monitoring, and control of manufacturing processed and facilities.  Growing indoors is key to being able to meet these standards.

Other Benefits

Plus by growing indoors, you'll benefit from...

  • More consistent product yields
  • Multiple harvests per year
  • Enhanced security and access
  • Reduced risk of illnesses (E. coli, etc.)

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